2024 Candidate Bios
Article IV
1. Any incumbent Board Member must declare that they will seek re-election at the July board meeting, approved by the Board and recorded in the minutes of the meeting by the Secretary.
2. Any interested candidate must notify the Secretary (Steve Overbeck) via email at: steve.overbeck@gamil.com no later than August 30th of their intention to run. (Due to covid restrictions we have eliminated the nomination form.)
3. Notification via email must be received by the Secretary by August 30th.
4. The slate of interested incumbents, candidates and the voting process instructions shall be posted on the Men’s Club website, in the clubhouse and in the men’s locker room fourteen (14) days prior to the scheduled election.
5. Absentee or paper ballots will be available upon request from the Secretary.
6. The election will be held by online survey available from any computer connected to the internet. For convenience of the members, a link will be available on the computer in the men’s locker room to vote. The election period will be at least fourteen (14) days. Absentee and/or paper ballots must be postmarked by the date of the election and received by the Secretary within 7 days of the election.
7. The Secretary shall announce the results of the election at the October Board meeting. The results will be published immediately following the meeting.